Thursday 10 November 2016

NATURE SCAVENGER HUNT - Toddler Activities and Crafts - My Twin Boys

Nature Scavenger Hunt with my Twin Boys!


Tomorrow I am taking the boys on a Nature Scavenger Hunt, I will upload our video tomorrow.
I have attached above my FREE Printable sheet we will be using.
I am going to cut out each item and put on sticks to place in the ground next to where they find them. But you can just print it out and they can tick it off when they have found them!

Will be continued tomorrow!
E x

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Rocket Straws - Toddler Crafts and Activities - My Twin Boys

Rocket Straws! …

 To see how we made them clink the link below: …

These were loads of fun for the boys and my nephew! They are easy and cheap to make, all you need is:

- Paper
- Straw with cover (or make a small cover)
- Colouring Pens
- Sticky Tape
- Scissors



Tuesday 8 November 2016

Poppy Making with Apple Stamps - Toddler Crafts and Activities - Twin Boys

For Remembrance Sunday we made these Poppies by stamping Apples!

Watch our Video of how we made them:

These are so effective and easy to do for little ones.
What you need:

- Paper
- Apple
- Red Paint
- Black Paint

If you enjoy please subscribe to my youtube channel for daily posts of our Activity!

Thank you Emma X


Making Shakers - Toddler Crafts and Activities Ideas - Twins

Shaker's - Such a Great, Cheap thing to make with Children!

Watch here how we made the:

We had rice everywhere but they loved making them!
What you need to make them:

- Toilet Roll Tube
- Scissors
- Colouring Pens
- Rice
- Sticky Tape


Thank you,

Sunday 6 November 2016

TWINS make Toddler Friendly CHOCOLATE APPLE - Toddler Activities and Crafts

BONFIRE NIGHT ACTIVITIES - Toddler friendly Chocolate Apples

We made these ready for Family and Friends to hand out on Bonfire Night! They went down so well! And the boys loved handing them out! They are easy to make but so effective!
Makes 8 - All you need is:

-100g Chocolate
-2 Apples
-Wooden sticks ( or straws work)
-Toppings (smarties/crushed biscuit/sprinkle)Anything you wish!!

Thickly Slice your apples and put them on a sticks, Dip in melted chocolate, add your toppings and set in the fridge! So simple!

Take a look at our video below of how we made them!



Saturday 5 November 2016

TWINS Made EDIBLE SPARKLERS! - Bonfire Night Children Activities

Today we made Edible Sparklers ready for Bonfire Night! Please take a look at my video of how we made them...

So simple for my little ones to make. They can hand them round to our family later before the fireworks!

All you need is:

- Chocolate Fingers
- 100g White Chocolate
- Sprinkles

Just dip your Fingers in melted white chocolate a sprinkle!


Thursday 3 November 2016

TWINS Being Crafty - Leafy Hedgehogs - Sunny Day in the Country

Sunny Day in the Country meant we put on our warmest coats and went on a lovely crisp walk.
Such beautiful leaves on the floor we collected the best ones and bought them home.
We made these cute leafy hedgehogs!

Link below:

All we needed was our leaves we collected,
- Pen
- Paper
- Glue

So simple and it took up most of our afternoon!

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Activities with Toddlers - Chalk Drawing


We played with Chalk in the garden, which I thought wouldn't keep them occupied for long, but surprise, kept them occupied for over an hour!! Which is a record time! not much keeps them occupied for that long!

I found these chalks in Hobby Craft:

We shall be doing this again on a sunny day!

Watch my video below and please follow me and subscribe if you like watching my journey with my boys.

Thank you,


MONEY SAVER - Make Play Dough in 5 Minutes!!

So Easy to make! I done this with my boys today and they absolutely loved it! We made snakes we learnt colours and the managed to squidge it into the carpet!! Baby wipes recused that! But they loved it!

It is Natural ingredients! So easy to make and my twin boys loved It! Watch my quick vid on how to make it and please follow me on my daily life with twin boys and keeping them occupied! Enjoy x


X 2 cups of Flour
X 1 cup of Salt
X 2 cups of Water 
X 1 tsp veg Oil
X 1 sachet Cream of Tartar

My First Blog

My first Blog post... Eeeekkk!
Im just going to share what I do with my twin boys on a daily basis. I try to vary creative play and learning with fun games, making things and baking. 
I want to share my ideas of how I keep my boys busy, keeping them occupied and encourage important skills before school. 
Here are my boys aged 18 Months...